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This Don't Happen To You They Happen For You! DAMNIT

Things Don’t Happen To You They Happen For You! Damnit!

Sponsored by CrisDental & Montana Oral Surgeons

Do you ever listen to what you tell yourself?

I’m starting to.

I have this friend who lets me rent office space from her who gave me a book.

More about that at another time.

Anyway, I’m in another transition and find, with her consistent reminder, that I give myself an out all the time.

Let me explain.

I use words like “I hope” or “I think” or “This might”,  all the time.

Why do I do that?

I don’t want to commit.

I want to give myself an out in case things don’t work out as planned.

I’m afraid to fail, again.

In that book I’m reading (Flip The Switch: Michael Burt) the author is working to change the readers mindset from victimhood to taking charge of your life.

When something goes wrong or adversity strikes, which it always will, rather than take is as “happening to your” turn it around and work with the mindset that “It happens for you.”

I’m venturing into a new stage of life and a new career.

Oh, I’m still doing the podcasts and producing video’s for my clients.

But we’re taking it to the next level.

I recently met a life coach in Mexico who opened my mind to this idea. She doesn’t even know it yet, that’s how fresh this idea is and how I know it’s a God Thing.

I’ve had 40 years of experience in customer service, media, news, politics and life, I think it’s time to share that with people on a professional level.

The new branch of my business is what I’m calling “Life Strategist.”

I had a business coach a few years ago and found it very helpful but I want to take this to an even more personal level.

I’m still working out the details but there will be one on one work, online video’s people can subscribe to and who knows what else.

Oh, and I even have my first client.

One week in and we’re rolling.

As I head into retirement I don’t want to stop using the gifts God has given me. I don’t think that’s how it supposed to work, at least not for me.

The online marketing is wearing me out.

It’s not the work but the pathway.

So, buckle up you never know what’s gonna happen.

If you have questions please email me at

I’d love to help you.

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