Unseen Forces at Work
There is a sand spit near Port Orford, Oregon that builds up each year blocking a river from its pathway to the ocean.
Fishermen wait as the water pressure builds behind natures temporary dam.
They know it breaks when conditions get just right and the pressure too much for sand to hold the water back any longer.
We got to experience that amazing, yearly, event a few years ago.
In a lot of ways it reminds me of the spiritual battle raging in the unseen world right now.
Years, decades of deceit, debris, lies, garbage all plug the natural channel of life and back up what is supposed to be a free flowing river.
The hidden battle I speak of is not a war between Democrats and Republicans. It is a war between good and evil. At the heart of that war is you and me, our friends, our families, our culture, our country. You must remind yourself (at least I have to) that you and I were created for such a time as this.
From the beginning our creator knew we would occupy this space.
For some reasons we need to be here right now to fight.
We always have choices.
Our creator is very pro-choice and never forces anything on us.
Will you choose the path of least resistance and safety?
When you look at that wave smashing through the sandbar and fear what might be?
Or will you risk it all and push forward understanding the bar has to go, waves must be made?
Right is right and wrong is wrong.
The two cannot mix.
At some point you have to stand up for what is truth.
We see small signs of the battle on this side of reality but don’t forget in the unseen world there’s a violent attack happening right now for the very soul of our country.
What you see here is our reality but never forget what you can’t see.
So push forward, ignore the noise and remember as the end gets closer evil screams louder.
Keep your eyes up and your heart with Him who created you.
He has a plan and right now He's beating the crap out of the unseen evil forces.
He’s calling BS on the lies and allowing them to implode and expose themselves for the liars that they are.
A new day is just a week away.
Oh, the battle won’t ease up.
Truth will become more obvious to those who pay attention and rely on the gift of discernment.
It’s now ours to know how or when it ends.
It is our place to stand strong, sometimes be still and to always know that He is God.