January 20th Is Just The Beginning

Deuteronomy 31:6
"Be strong, be bold, don't be afraid or frightened of them, for ADONAI your God is going with you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you".
I read a lot of your comments and like you I’m pretty excited for Monday’s swearing in of a new era in American History.
HOWEVER: When the door to crazy shuts(Biden Leaves) and the new administration is ushered in, that’s when the real battle begins.
The haters and the doubters will go into full steam mode and you and I have to be ready for it.
Things will not turn around right away and while the progressives took decades to get us into this mess, the expectation will be for Trump to get us out quickly.
From all the experts I’m listening to, that’s probably not going to happen.
Oh, Trump will clean house and is hiring a cabinet full of amazing leaders, as we’ve seen in the confirmation hearings, who not only have the ability but the balls to crack some heads.
The progressives will try to destroy anything Trump tries to do to better America…… we have to be ready for the long haul.
Trump is not just looking at solving problems for the next four years he put Vance on the ticket because he’s looking at the next 12.
What we must remember is what the progressives did to try to stop one man, Trump.
Remember how they railroaded the guy and in the end they lost and America saw through the bullshit.
The Democrat party is a mess.
It has no leadership, no mission but to destroy anything that gets in it’s way.
I despise the party system and have as much contempt for the R’s as I do the workings of the D’s.
This is about regressive, progressives who dislike our country and want to destroy the foundation with which this great country was founded.
It’s about the lazy Republicans who can’t seem to find the balls to stick together and do what’s right for the country, not their next reelection.
They are both weak and we are not going to put up with it anymore.
This is about a new group of people, you and me, not D’s or R’s or any of that crap. We are “Restorationists”. People who seek, above all else, truth and will fight to the bitter end for our freedom.
We will not be censored or ignored and the opposition can bully and belittle us but we are not afraid.
We know their tactics and are not surprised by the depths they will go to TRY to silence us.
Hunker down my friends the best part of the movie is about to begin.