You Were Wrong…..Silence.
Remember when restaurants wouldn’t let you in to dine because you didn’t take the jab?
Remember when if your mask slipped below your nose, complete strangers felt compelled to call you out?
What about people who saw visitors at their neighbors houses during the dark time and reported them to authorities?
Yes, this was not only allowed but encourage by our so-called leaders.
Now, there’s new information, I’ll just leave it at that.
But’s it’s compelling, truly based on science, and not political.
Some of the information proves much of what we were told was a lie….a lie.
And yet, we hear no apologies, no corporation rehiring those they fired for non-compliance…’s just quiet out there.
It’s frustrating for those of us who did question.
It’s maddening to those who lost their jobs, careers and friends & family, to get to this place and hear…..nothing.
No apology, no I’m sorry, not even “I guess I was wrong.”
Truth has a way of rising to the top.
When folks are fearful they do things they wouldn’t ordinarily do.
It used to be that at some point people would learn from their mistakes and we’d move ahead.
Not so obvious this time though.
As I point out in the video with this writing, too much was said and done.
Cultural monitors and censorship advocates took it too far.
What we learn from this, unfortunately, is what fear, when held over the heads of a society, can do to people.
We should have learned this from history, history not really all that far back.
But apparently to some “it’s not the same.”
Well, it is the same.
And now we are expected to forget what happened and move on.
I, like you, will move on.
But I will never forget how easily freedom is given up when fear is used the way it was….never.
I can forgive but have to work on my trust issues, exacerbated by what you and I watched good people, our friends and even our family, do to us….out of fear.
One of the big take aways for me is never stop asking questions….never.
Also, don’t be afraid of the screamers and cancelers……in the end the repercussion come back like hot coals tossed on their heads.
Oh, and I will never watch a bald eagle fly over my head again and not think how precious our freedoms are and how much I will do to protect them.
That’s is a great take away.
Report: CDC Downplayed Scientific Finding that Masking Children Not Effective in Schools
By Steve Stewart on August 22, 202121 Comments
New research shows CDC exaggerated the evidence for masks to fight COVID
The analysis found that wearing masks in public “probably makes little or no difference.”
By Jacob Sullum Feb 8, 2023, 2:00pm PDT
Report: CDC Downplayed Scientific Finding that Masking Children Not Effective in Schools – Tallahassee Reports
It's not over. the L-- silence those by not wanting to discuss the issues. It's not over, because difference of opinions still leads too canceling / censorship if it is not in line with your views. It's not over because not all people are complying or being led around like sheep. It's not over until God says it's over. We can agree that we disagree, but it's not over until we can agree we can be wrong and try to improve our errors. If you can accept no one is perfect and all are different. None of this nonsense is not about race, color, sex, origin, science, etc. it is about control and who wants control and why. …
“These findings reinforce that in addition to being up to date with recommended COVID-19 vaccinations, consistently wearing a face mask or respirator in indoor public settings reduces the risk of acquiring SARS-CoV-2 infection. Using a respirator offers the highest level of personal protection against acquiring infection, although it is most important to wear a mask or respirator that is comfortable and can be used consistently.”
This was copied straight from the CDC website. Oh, but wait, none of you trust the cdc because tiny Dick Dancer sez not to. give me break, and start thinking about the well being of those who are more vulnerable than you, such as your elderly parents, etc.
You are so selfish and dumb, that you think this is about individual freedom, when in fact, it was about protecting others from an invisible disease. Show us this “science” you’re speaking of. Site your sources like a real journalist; “truth is power,” and revealing what scientific artIcles you’re drawing your info from is absolutely necessary for you to have even a shred of credibility regarding this issue. I suspect you’re just parroting the conspiracy theorists you listen to, because you have NEVER made reference to a single scientific source, ever. Or… did god tell you this, because that doesn’t fly either.