The Call For Unity?
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It sounds so good.
Right now I hear, especially from the Democrats, the cry for unification.
But you can’t just say you want unity I need to see some sort of real action to believe you.
I guess i've seen too much over the past several decades to all of the sudden believe Unity is really the goal.
The actual meaning says this: . :” the quality or state of not being multiple : the quality or state of being one, single, whole, or the same”
We are a diverse nation made up of all kinds of people with many different ideas.
If we as a nation are to find unity, what would that look like?
Can people come together on the issues of abortion, climate change, immigration, DEI, trans ideology and so on?
To find unity or even create it you need, I think, a similar moral base.
I’m not saying you have to start with a certain religion but you need a set of guidelines that you don’t cross to act as a foundation for society.
We don’t have that.
We used to.
But we demonized it and now are left with a cracked foundation and soft, meaningless words designed to get votes not solve a problem.
If we could find common ground, perhaps unity could start there?
As I’m thinking about this I read on one of my social media’s a comment from someone I don’t know.
He doesn’t like my thoughts on our VP becoming the D’s nominee.
So rather than seek common ground or even expressing the difference in our opinion he instead calls me a loser and tells me my opinions don’t matter.
Common Ground?
Let’s come together?
It all sounds so good and tickles the ticket but what does unity mean?
The problem is Unity doesn’t mean what we think it does.
It means think like me, do as I do, stop making waves and get along.
If all sides could truly come up with some unifying, foundational ideas, I think unity could be found.
But all you have to do is go back and look at the social media feeds for the past ten minutes and realize we’re not there yet.
Not even close.
I pray for unity.
I’m willing to sit at the table with all ideas and come up with a unifying message.
But I’m not willing to go along to get along.
I’ve been doing that for years and it doesn’t work.
Before I sign up to be on the unity team I want to know what the teams definition of unity looks like and what the end cost of unity really is.