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They Are Just Things

About 45 minutes from where Kathy and I are currently living in an AIRBNB, in a storage unit, sits just about everything in the world we own.

We have a few things to keep us going, clothes, clean underwear, socks, gym clothes and cooking stuff, but aside from that all the “things” we thought we couldn’t live without, we are without.

Kathy said something about that the other night. It’s been two-and-a-half-months since we’ve seen our “stuff” and we are doing just fine.

Don’t get me wrong we both long for a place to call home but the longer we do this the more we realize we can do without.

We have a roof over our heads, enough clothes to get us through winter (when summer comes we’re in trouble clothing wise) and our trucks. But all the extra’s are locked away.

We found out last night the house (number 7) that we put an offer on is now being rebid starting at one million dollars so we are out. We will go to Townsend Montana to look at another. I would be lying if I said this is not getting old but not a lot we can do about it so we push on and try to keep our focus on the right things. I did say try.

You really start to depend on God when you live like this. I’m reading a story about a former Eugene Businessman Ross Murry and wondering how people get to the point where they don’t allow the fear of failure to gain access to their mind. Some of the things he did were crazy and he went broke a few times but as he would always say “He did whatever it took to close the deal” and failure was not an option. To him going broke was no failure it was a new opportunity.

Kathy and I are also taking some big risks in our life right now. We don’t know where we will end up or if the move will be looked at as successful by the critical eye of the world. But what we do know is we can and will do “Whatever it takes to make the deal.” We are more alive today than ever and perhaps to truly live you have to be willing to die and let things die in the process.

I don’t know I’m still learning and this is still unfolding so I can’t really tell you, yet.

But I think we will probably never look at life the same way again.

We are getting well versed in Duck_n_Cover, Pivot, Move, Stop and Listen

It’s interesting, practice makes perfect and while we are not there yet, we are becoming a force to be reckoned with.

Maybe “things” really do get in the way of us finding who we are meant to be rather than who we are expected to be.


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