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The Broken Truly Matter

The Broken Truly Matter

I’ve never quite fit in.

In my younger years I tried with little success.

Throughout my life I find myself drawn to those whose lives are broken.

Let me rephrase that, all of us are broken.

I’m drawn to those who know they have warts.

Truth and honesty are both qualities that are so attractive to people today.

Especially since all we seem to hear from the media, our president and our culture smells a lot like a lie.

Trust is a rare and valuable commodity.

Breaking that trust is almost impossible to restore and right now much of our leadership, from school boards, to city councils and all the way to congress have severely damaged any trust we might have had in them or their tactics.

I have many friends who are considered felons by the world but I’d trust them more than I do most because they are honest and aware.

People who understand their brokenness are refreshing to my soul because they have no reason to lie, they’ve been down that road and understand the power of truth.

The world is funny.

We honor liars and lift up cheaters and shun those who truly are real.

God is creating an army of misfits.

He see’s possibilities in the rejected and outcasts.

When will the general population stop lifting up people who don’t deserve to be in high places?

When will we be brave enough to show our warts and in doing so expose those we’ve given power to.

We need to bring them down but we have to come down first.

I think that day is coming quickly.

Perhaps we missed our chance to choose the right thing and instead will be forced by our ignorance to come to the realization of our foolishness, in the aftermath of destruction.

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1 commento

Laura West Crowe
Laura West Crowe
15 mar 2023

Sometimes we don’t find out where we are broken until the damage is done. And as Jack Nicholson says ‘You (some) can’t handle the truth’.

Mi piace
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