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RFK, Like Your Father, Your Words Inspire Me

There Is Something Refreshing About The Truth RFK!

I’m listening to the recent speech by RFK where he’s talking about suspending his campaign for president.

But the bigger news in the speech is him calling out the Democratic Party, the party his family has been seen as royalty in, for decades.

Like many of us, but not enough of us, RFK is a victim of a party gone mad and he’s not afraid to say it.

Medical bias, lack of medical freedom, censorship and an inability to tell the truth are a few of his points he takes aim at in the speech.

His speech takes me back to being a 10 year old boy. My parents, and I, were big Bobby Kennedy fans.

The way he delivered the speech reminded me so much of his father.

No one is perfect, including RFK, Bobby or you and me.

But there was an honesty in the speech that you don’t hear much anymore in politics.

RFK has the guts to do what he and many of us think is best for America and that is suspend his campaign and throw his support behind, what he calls a legitimate democratically elected candidate Donald Trump.

Remember, Kamala was anointed by the party, not its membership…that’s not democracy.

He has harsh words for his former party and if those in that party would listen they might see how far they have swayed from the original, old time, Democrats.

It’s not the members of the party that are to blame, it’s leadership and those willing to blindly follow out of fear  of being disloyal and a need to be right by winning.

You can call RFK and the rest of us who see what’s happening conspiracy nuts, MAGA’s, Right Wing, Racists, and Homophobes, none of which are true labels.

You’ve used these slurs so much they have no true meaning, they’re just words.

We are among a growing number of people who don’t fear the playground bullies or their sticks and stones.

We will not leave the playground when you cheat or name call, even though the playground monitors keep looking the other way.

(The Speech)

I highly recommend you listen to RFK’s speech with an open mind. I don’t expect you will but it might help you better understand where some of us are coming from.

The censorship, manipulation, lies and name calling have to stop.

If you won’t join us to make our country what it can be, we’ll do it without you.

Lies tend to tattle on the liars.

Truth takes a little longer but eventually rises to the surface.

And the latter is the only thing that sets us free.

Thank you RFK for having the guts to do what you did.

It was highly democratic of you but not very democrat of you. (Smile)

Oh, and just ignore your family, family dysfunction is part of the American experience. (huge smile)

Like your dad and your uncle, a Kennedy can still inspire me.

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