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It's Coming To A Head

Writer's picture: Rick DancerRick Dancer

Updated: Feb 12, 2023

It’s Coming To A Head

The wind is howling outside so much so I ran out to take the wind chimes down so they didn’t have to work overtime.

The skies are clear and the moon showing off its glory as my fingers rattle the keys of my laptop.

Despite what the social media giants are doing to try to silence my voice more people are finding me online.

Oh, FB is working hard to throttle words with algorithms and bias like I’ve never seen before, but it’s coming to a head.

People are done with numbers that don’t add up, “facts” that are anything but facts but just opinions masked as righteous truth.

It’s coming to a head.

Oregon’s school report card is near the bottom nationally as the government asks for more money to pump into a failed system in need of an overhaul. In Eugene one self-righteous board member holds the board and community hostage trying to cover her ignorance and lack of preparation with claims of racism.

In Eugene, while the country’s energy sources are in crisis, the city council votes to limit the use of Natural Gas. The five members who voted “yes” fail to understand the reality of that decision but go home “feeling” like they are moral elites.

The irony is as the area claims to want clean energy it sits in a self describe Nuclear Free Zone, banning the “CLEANEST” form of energy on the planet.

Is that Irony or hypocrisy or just stupidity?

In the midst of all this craziness sits you and me.

We scratch our heads, ask questions like “Do they only read what tickles their eye balls?”

“Do they understand science or what?”

When I say this is all coming to a head that is a good thing.

The silent can’t remain that way and must find a unified voice.

This is not a left or right, conservative or liberal issue, it’s common sense and I think “common sense” is about to become much more common.

You can only live in “ridiculous” for so long.

People’s ideology only takes them so far.

At some point it starts to impact your daily life, the life of your neighbors and the destruction of your business community.

You played the game and now….checkmate.

It’s time to wipe the slate clean and start a new game.

This time, getting along isn’t part of the rules.

This time “fair” doesn’t mean giving up a bishop because you give once and they’ll take your crown.

It’s time the mass’ get in the game.

I know you don’t like playing and you’d rather just try to get along but that didn’t work.

It’s coming to a head.

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Feb 10, 2023

I am not opposed to Rick criticizing things in Eugene. Not a perfect place with room for improvement. And, I say again, to Rick, why only the negatives? Why not some positive things about Eugene (CAHOOTS!)? Are you trying to gin up something? And since you have moved to Montana, why not write some stories about Montana's problems? Here are a few ideas: higher murder rate than Oregon. More road rage incidents reported than Oregon (per capita), higher suicide rate. And Montana is a state that gets more money from the US government than it sends. Maybe could do a story on the pro's and con's of billionaire rancher Joe Ricketts who put a fence around his property in the…


Wayne Gilbert
Wayne Gilbert
Feb 10, 2023

What do you care about Eugene (or Oregon)? You moved to Montana to be with (many, but not all) like-minded bigots, after years of Eugene loyally/avidly supporting and following you. Go ahead and spew your QAnon and similar conspiracies - just (please) leave Eugene out of your mouth...


Feb 10, 2023

Well, EWEB produces the electricity and the city just bought their old office building. Could this stupid new ordinance have anything to do with the city being in bed with EWEB??

Feb 12, 2023
Replying to

Thanks. NW Natural also comes free once a year for us. The tech did find a small leak and fixed it for free. BTW, it is nice to have an “adult” and respectful exchange on line (for a change.)


Feb 10, 2023

Well said. - M

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