I’m not a guy who is into resolutions but I”m big on fresh starts.
After four years of bullshit what America needs is a fresh start and we are about to get one.
It’s been a rough four years for most of us.
The division, the lack of vision and an economy that needs revisioning, left many hopeless for the future.
Ah, but that’s changed for a lot of us.
It’s as if a muzzle has been taken away and many of the things we weren’t supposed to talk about, are back on the table.
It feels like we live in America again.
You know, land of the free, home of the brave, dream as big as you can and work your behind off to get it.
Yeh, that America.
Where everyone has a chance to do well.
Even when you start off a bit rough.
There are too many stories of success to ignore the fact that this is the greatest country in the world.
I predict in this next decade hard work will come back.
Those I see online who think they shouldn't have to work will learn a tough lesson.
As we head into a new year, perhaps our attitude needs to root for rather than against what’s coming.
You know, give it a chance.
I heard Democrat Senator John Fetterman say it so well the other day. I can't remember exactly how he said it but the gist was, you don't wish an incoming president failure or all of America fails.
However, I think there are many selfish people in this country who hope Trump fails and if those people win, they and we lose.
Nothings perfect but we all do better when everyone has a say.
No more silence.
No more bullying.
Real diversity…..the kind starts with a conversation.
Hang on, here we go.