Discernment: Do Not Conform To This Age
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Our culture craves knowledge, but not truth and that is a dangerous equation.
We see it everyday in the headlines and in polls showing stats and numbers ignored by mass quantities of people.
I keep hearing cries for “the truth” and “unity” but I think what the world needs is a large dose of discernment.
People don’t seem to care about the meaning of words.
I can show you so many examples but that’s a different story, a different rabbit hole.
Discernment means:
:”the quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure”
If you have discernment you have a smile on your face right now because you know few have that ability.
From a biblical standpoint writers say this about discernment:
Rom 12:1-2 “Do not conform yourself to this age…that you may discern what is the will of God.
What that says to me is the reason discernment is void is too many of us are trying to conform to the norms of this age.
We are not supposed to fit in if we have discernment.
We will see the problems, issues and hypocrisy because we refuse to conform to the modern norms of culture.
It is easy to feel left out, out of touch and different when you either refuse or can’t conform.
Boy, did some of us learn that during COVID.
We went along with the changing mandates and mask no mask BS for a while but that damn discernment kicked in that ripped away our conforming abilities and put us in the camp of the exile.
When you are blind and finally see, you don’t go back.
I have a feeling exile is going to be a new normal for some of us.
The problem with discernment is once you get it, it’s hard to put the wool back over your eyes.
Freedom is like that. It’s costly but empowering.
So if you pray for our nation don’t pray for the right decision because many people think they have that.
Instead pray God give every man, woman and child a healthy dose of discernment so we can turn the madness around.
Oh and don't forget to include your own name on that list (and mine too) we are all easily deceived.