I’m Ready For The Trump Administration
Boy, after reading my news feeds this morning I’m more relieved than ever to see Joe Biden kicked to the curb and Donald Trump taking the oath of office today.
Biden went out just like a he came in…..a liar, a cover up artist and a criminal.
Some of you get all over Trump for his fake convictions over a bookkeeping error and give Biden a pass for lying about his business dealings, using his job to make millions off the American people and much much worse.
We now know Joe has not been there for years. The poor guy struggles with dementia but rather than admit it the progressives propped him up and let a guy without all his faculties run our country into the ground.
Those days are over.
Trump has changed. I used to get so irritated with him for always talking about himself. It was Me, Me, Me.
Almost being killed twice will bring about change….a transformation.
I heard several speeches yesterday where it wasn’t Trump the god, it was we the people who will change this country.
He didn’t talk about himself the way he used to, he was talking about all of us, yes, even the far left.
You gotta give the guy credit for learning, changing and leading. Oh, but you haters won’t, you can’t, you could, but you won’t.
Today lot’s of executive orders will be signed to turn our country around for the better. If you don’t think so that is your right but I would suggest you do more research.
Trump is bringing all sorts of different people into his cabinet, not just Republicans. In fact, he’s probably the least Republican, Republican we’ve had as president.
But many of you will continue to hate him for things the media bombarded you with. Smears that factually are not true just rumor. But for you the lies are so locked in you won’t look around.
I think Trump can make America Great Again but it won’t happen overnight as his opponents will point out at nauseam for the next four years.
When you live under an authoritarian government, as we have for the past four years, there’s an evil that blocks the blessings of God.
He can’t and won’t partner with liars, thieves and criminals….I think you know who I’m talking about.
Trump can’t do this alone.
You and I have to stand up, speak up and work with change even when it doesn’t fit our plan.
As Biden and his minions leave the White House, the door will hit them on the way out.
They didn’t get away with anything…..Their judgement is still coming.
You ready?
Let’s go get em.