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Actions Speak Louder Than Propaganda

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Some of you heard the BIG story yesterday where Mark Zuckerberg admits to bowing to pressure from the Biden Administration to censor information on his platform.

In a normal world, where the media didn't pick a team and get swallowed in its hate for one candidate, that would be front page news.

But the New York Times, PBS and many of the others, it didn't make the paper.

For a guy who worked in the media this is a huge story.

A president and his Vice President, pressuring media to suppress information that didn't line up about COVID and Hunter Biden's laptop?

Folks, I know a lot of you only listen to legacy news so this comes as a shock but it should also tell you you need to expand your sources.

It also is warning that Kamala Harris is not about democracy, not even close.

Listen the video and see how that democracy is now playing out in the RFK situation.

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