A New Era: What You Gonna Do With It?
“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.’

A major, cultural shift is underway.
Many of us sense it, feel it, and are more ready for it.
I worked in the Television News business and had a first hand seat to the degradation of our society.
The decay was slow and purposeful but many didn’t see it coming because like most rust, it was gradual and by the time it had destroyed the foundation, it was too late to turn back….or so it seemed.
The mistake made by the cultural monitors is they pushed too hard and too fast.
If they’d continued the gradual chipping away the mass’ would have probably never seen the devastation.
But they did push too hard.
They got greedy and power hungry.
A deadly combination.
We are day away from entering a new era.
Actually, it’s already been ushered in by a vote on November 5th.
People rejected ridiculous and started the pendulum swinging back to a more common sense direction.
Since that vote, fires, lies exposed and missteps by the current administration and its followers, solidified the election results for many.
You can only look stupidity in the eye for so long and deny what is crumbling around you.
To the God Fearing, you can’t help but see a reckoning with all that’s going on in the world.
The folly of culture eats away at the tattered fabric of what they’ve created. It didn’t last. It couldn’t last, lies always catch up to the liar.
A new era is unleashed.
People who used to choose silence understand silence gets you no where.
Those who hesitated to speak up discovered it’s not only okay to do so, it’s their right, it’s their
responsibility, and if they don’t destruction is the result.
So what will you choose to do to usher in 2025?
The old is passing away.
Decades of deceit and manipulation, crushed.
Yes, we have new leaders but they can’t do it alone.
We must mend fences where we can, hold our ground when we find ourselves on another slippery slope.
And we must find that inner toughness that worries more about our future and less about what people who disagree with us say.
Yes, this is America.
Your freedom is back.
What yah gonna do with it.