The Power of Blessings

I was sitting in a church service Sunday when the congregation began singing a song I’d never heard before.
It’s a blessing we used to speak every night over our boys when they were younger. (I Recently started doing it again)
I don’t think we or I understand the power of a blessing on our family, the generations to come and the people we’re around.
I was thinking about that yesterday when I saw the sour, angry looks on the faces of the Bush’s, Biden and Harris sitting across the isle from the incoming President of the United States.
They appeared to be seething and after what Biden did to pardon obvious criminals just hours before, it’s apparent Trumps enemies are not giving up.
As I lay in bed this morning I began to speak that blessing over my family, over Trump and his administration and over you.
“May the lord bless and keep you. May his face shine upon you and may He give you peace.”
But the blessing doesn’t stop there. This is where you get creative not just read something written for you thousands of years ago.
Each of us has a role to play in this life we are given.
You may think of things the rest of us don’t, things that need to be spoken into existence in this world.
Life and death is in the power of the tongue. What you speak can be brought into existence. There is an evil force that wants nothing more than to spread hate, mistrust and bitterness oh and it loves to lick lies. It’s easy for you and me to fall into that trap unless we pray for God’s help.
We also need to be able to stand on the truth and not waver when the attackers fire their darts our way.
This is not a Democrat or a Republican issue, that’s what the enemy would like us to settle on.
It’s much bigger than that and you and I need to be ready to do our part because the fun part is over, now the work begins.
“Be Still and KNOW that He is God.”
What blessing can you speak over our nation today?