The Monsters Are Real

There’s a growing frustration I sense among those who fear Donald Trump. There are Trump critics and there should be those questioning. I’m not talking about them. I’m talking about the folks who hate him no matter what.
Because I like a lot of his policies, so far, and am outspoken about my research, I tend to experience the wrath of these people. I get it.
But where does such anger come from?
Last night I had a weird dream. I’m a guy who strongly believes in a spiritual realm, an unseen world that is taking place as we speak.
There is a battle in that world between good and evil and the fight is real.
In this dream I saw people like you and me, living their lives, as these other beings, in the unseen world, poked, prodded and tormented us.
Some had their hands over the eyes of people, others were covering their mouths and in the worst cases, the unseen beings were pounding the heads and bodies of the humans to get them to submit.
I woke up and thought, what did that mean?
The battle is not against Donald Trump. The secret war is not about Republicans or Democrats. The mission is to keep you and me at odds with each other. What we hear spoken in the earthly realm about democracy, unity and transparency, is total bullshit. That may be the message but the end goal is the exact opposite.
In this demonic realm the greatest weapons they have are fear and manipulation. They skirt the truth with lies they try to qualify with bending facts and results that make sense or at least tickle the ear.
Because I woke, startled by this dream, I’m still trying to piece together what it may mean.
But I do remember this warning from a book I highly recommend.
Ephesians 6:12 "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" Why do I put this out there? Sure, I leave myself open for attacks. But I think we all need a reminder that no one is immune from these attacks and when you say “how can they believe that?” Remember who the real enemy is.
“The Monsters Are Real.”