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Simple Things Matter

Writer's picture: Rick DancerRick Dancer

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Simple Things Matter

The other day we hiked Big Mountain in Whitefish Montana.

Along the way wildflowers greeted us around every corner.

While walking my mind wanders to all that has changed in the world since March 2020 and I’m saddened.

We lost time, relationships, careers, jobs but most important we lost trust.

I’ve never been the most trusting soul but now my BS meter works overtime listening as people rip each other to shreds over differences of opinion.

In the only the toughest flowers make it to full bloom.

They don’t coheres or bully each other for time or space.

The strong live the weak die….pretty basic stuff.

In the human world, it seems, manipulation prevails and winner takes all.

We used to, so it seems to me, find answers through disagreement and analyzation of facts.

That’s what made us smarter than plants…..we thought.

Nature is not a box. It has natural laws and those must be followed.

Man does not have a box but there used to be rules for engagement, kindness, order and thinking big picture not my way or the highway.

I watch the bullshit going on over Jason Aldeans’ song and scratch my head.

Critics find hints of racism and other isms, while I see it as a song defining small town life.

I wonder that those critics aren’t embarrassed because the song points out how nasty and unruly they were during a time we were supposed to be in lockdown “protecting” each other.

We learned the virus gave immunity to certain “woke” causes but no mercy for the rest of us.

I ask myself and God, what is this all about? Why does it just seem to get worse and you wanna know what I think? I think it will continue to get worse as dark lines are drawn dividing right from wrong, good from evil and lies from the truth.

In my mind I’m back on that mountain walking amongst the wildflowers and for a moment nature gives me hope.

There are seasons, definite seasons.

There’s a time to live, a time to thrive and a time to die.

Perhaps something in our culture needs to die.

I wonder if this is a judgement of sorts aimed at turning us away from the wrong direction and back to a place of good.

In nature the strong survive and the weak do not.

It’s pretty simple.

But to be strong means allowing your colors to blossom under difficult conditions.

God Help Us.

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7 comentários

26 de jul. de 2023

Rick I agree that nature has natural laws. (We disagree about climate change in nature)

I agree that kindness has been lost or certainly diminished in much discussion.

I am not sure if Jason’s song is racist or not . It is unfortunate that one of hid backdrops was a place a Black man was lynched. Did he do this on purpose? I hope not.

Rick Dancer
Rick Dancer
27 de jul. de 2023
Respondendo a

I think people are reading too much into it. I guess we should never put the Ferry Street Bridge in a video because as I understand a black man was hanged from it as well or near there.At some point this is just people finding reasons to hate and I'm done with it.


26 de jul. de 2023

In The Marine Corps we said IMPROVISE ADAPT AND OVERCOME. In life it is the same. Yes, in nature the strong survive and nature adapts itself to the conditions. Sadly, it seems in this country people capitulate and go along to get along led by the nose and refusing to fight back until they are pushed to the brink. However, waiting until being pushed to the brink you give those doing the pushing time to gain a foothold. Once again, the apathy of a nation has led it to this situation.

I blame my generation as well as that of my parents and grandparent for this. Why? Because all you heard growing up was "This is America, it will nev…

Rick Dancer
Rick Dancer
27 de jul. de 2023
Respondendo a

A civil war? I'm predicting nothing of the sorts. I"m predicting "regular Americans" will stop listening to the bullshit and do the right's starting.

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