Mind Your Own Business
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Growing up I remember my mom saying to me a lot to “Mind Your Own Business Ricky!”
It used to annoy me but now I think she was onto something.
I scroll through my social media and see stories of censorship, Google trying to exclude white people from its A.I. and movie theater employees trying to make it difficult for folks to see the new film “Am I A Racist.”
What would happen if people just minded their own business and let people decide for themselves what they want to do, say or be?
I think this all stems from fear and arrogance.
Culture should be, in my opinion, a marketplace of ideas that are sorted out by the public not groups of people manipulating speech and ideas. Let’s get the bullies out of the business of telling us what to think.
When you get your nose in the business of others and try to control information we end up with mistakes as we saw during the COVID mess.
Exchanging information and ideas freely allows us to find the truth.
Censorship hides it.
What I have found in my years of writing stories, interviewing people and covering the news is that when people aren’t sure they are right, is when they feel the need to control the narrative.
Often times the control is not about the truth but their truth and, like a two year old, trying to get their way.
They believe they are so “right” that they can push their ideas on others after all they are doing it for their own good. What a crock.
I see this in the media. In my days on the news we presented two sides of a story and let the audience decide.
Now media and those trying to set our minds straight, believe anyone who disagree’s with their ideas of right and wrong, is wrong and needs to be taught to think as they do or silenced.
In plain english that is arrogance.
Mind your own business doesn’t mean we don’t challenge the ideas of others. It means, listen to what they are saying and use it to refine, better, change or strengthen that which you believe to be true.
Don’t tell me what I can read. Don’t tell me who I can listen to. Don’t tell me what movies I can see or what person I can vote for.
We must each consider we too may not have everything as accurate as it could be and disagreement is a way of refining culture through process not manipulation and censorship.