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God Okayed This So Suck It Up

God Okayed This So Suck It Up

It’s easy, when things get difficult, to look for people to blame.

But what if the real blame goes to God and ultimately you and me?

Oh, no here we go this is getting really uncomfortable.

When I was diagnosed with cancer back in 2010 I didn’t get mad at God or ask “why me?”

Oh, I was scared and didn’t want to go through what was ahead, especially the mental part, but what choice did I have?

After a few months God started to show me that this diagnosis was from Him.

Let’s say the evil force in the world went to God’s office and said: “Hey, you think Dancer is so strong I want to give him cancer and see how he does.” God looks at his schedule and say’s “Oh, is it 2010 already, yes cancer is part of my plan for Rick so go for it but you can’t kill him.”

That experience changed my life. Things I cared about before no longer mattered. My trust in Him grew and my need for approval from man diminished greatly. It was me and God, hand in hand, and He was showing me something only cancer could reveal to me.

As the world slips into a recession and tomorrow becomes more uncertain many of us feel like our country, heck, our world, is in a terrible place.

On this morning I am reminding myself that God is in charge and nothing happens to you or me that doesn’t pass by His desk for approval.

Some like to think of God as a super hero who allows things to happen. I like to think of Him as my King who causes things to happen for the purpose of cleansing my soul.

Allow or cause does is really matter?

Maybe not.

But I like knowing that my God is in charge and nothing happens to me that is not part of the GOOD plan He has for my life.

I need to remember when people or situations let me down these are ordained by Him to show me something. Perhaps I need a nudge or change in direction. He wants us to be fearless, the way He created us to be.

As conditions unravel and the world screams louder to bring on more fear and uncertainty, fear not for fear brings with it more evil and instead live in the certainty that this is all part of His plan and His plan is good.

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