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America Needs To Find It's Backbone

We Need A Backbone

Our American culture has no backbone.

We have someone running for president, president, who flips and flops like a recently caught fish struggling to stay alive.

Her running mate can’t seem to get his story straight.

Like our current president, he is a master editor, storyteller and, like the person he’s running with, a

flipper and flopper.

Their words are slippery and slimy.

They try to tickle us into submission with half-truths and mixed messages.

What blows me away is how many people sit at the feet of their self proclaimed alter and lap up the lies dribbling from their tongues.

Well known, respected Democrats are jumping ship.

They see how the party that once cared about democracy now uses it to manipulate the system to destroy its opponents.

The spineless elite of that party understand they can’t win a fair fight so they do what they seem to have no problem doing, they cheat.

This is not a Democrat verses Republican battle, not at all.

There are ton’s of awesome people in both parties who smell a rat.

This is good and evil, pure and simple.

When I heard RFK was rejecting the elite attempted takeover I felt something was up, something good.

Then as more equally powerful names in the Democrat party were jumping ship I knew America’s backbone was stiffening as the elites became like osteoporosis, more brittle and on the verge of breaking.

We cannot sit around and expect the elites to destroy themselves, although they will dig their own grave.

We must participate, speak out, stand up, toughen up and stop listening to the poisonous honey dripping from their propaganda.

You know that little voice in your head that tries to tell you something is wrong? Listen to it.

Before the sugar coated manure slips into your brain, give that tiny bit of common sense still living in your soul a chance to operate again.

The media is a joke. It’s committed the ultimate sin by picking a side and refusing to give us both sides of a story so we can decide. In its arrogance it has decided we are too weak, stupid and frail to make the right decision.

Their day is also coming.

Ratings are dropping, their relevance near death and soon there will be no need for them to show up to work.

Can you feel it? That stiffening of the spine.

That is America rediscovering it’s backbone.

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