Lines In the Sand

The closer we get to January 20th the more intense some seem to get.
There is a haughtiness and a nastiness online I haven’t seen in a while.
Change isn’t easy.
The fear of the unknown brings tension.
When we allow fear to get the best of us, it will and what’s left is not pretty.
When we as a people become the most dangerous to our opposition is when we ask questions.
Oh, how they hate when we question the narrative.
Problem is the narrative changed on November 5th as a new choir began to sing and the old ways of the bully lost their power.
I ask a lot of questions, always have. That’s why I was a good reporter. I’ve noticed an interesting trend on my social media.
When you ask a great question or make a statement, rather than address the question, the opposition trirs to make us feel wrong about posing the question.
They like to call it Gaslighting but it’s not. How do I know? I looked it up.
“Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse or manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim's mind. Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition.”
In fact, by that definition, the accuser, the one accusing you of gaslighting is actually the gaslighter.
Why not just answer the question? Why not ignore it? The reason is your great questions threaten the narrative they have chose to be their reality.
Yes, even though, like Swiss Cheese, their beliefs are full of holes, rather than examine them, they “Gaslight” to try to shut you down and accuse you of being what they are.
You will see much more of this is the days ahead. The divisive movement is not interested in discussion, compassion, learning or my favorite collaboration. But you and I are, as long as it leads to one thing, Truth.
Figure out what you believe, do your research, make sure your beliefs end at the truth and then stick with it. Push forward with grace but sometimes sternness is a good way of drawing lines.
Yes, there are lines, and what we need right now is some very clear, heavy, lines drawn in the sand.