What The Hell Happened?
We just finished watching the documentary called “Thanks Dr Fauci” and that is the perfect title.
Jenner Furst does an amazing job digging into how COVID started, how it’s connected to Aids, Ebola and Bird Flu. He interviews dozens of people and discovered we were duped.
Many of us knew it early on. Something didn’t seem right. Masks one day and no masks the next. We were promised we’d be safe with a vax but people still got COVID.
But much of the world succumbed to the fear and turned on their fellow humans.
As the movie ended I looked over at Kathy and both of us were speechless. We had tears in our eyes over the shock and gravity of what we just lived through.
I’m so disappointed in us.
Why didn’t we ask more questions?
When people tried to ask questions much of the world turned on them instead of even considering the inconsistencies.
Why did people allow fear to swallow them?
They told us we were killing people by not doing as we were told and yet, the evidence is mounting that if we’d only considered more questions we could have stopped a lot of deaths, heartache and mental health problems that now infect our culture.
When this was happening, when Governors were getting on television and telling us what we could and couldn’t do, did you not hear that tiny voice in your head that said, “This is bullshit?” Or did you just ignore it because you wanted to get it over with.
When My Body My Choice came back, the mass’ thought nothing of chanting such a phrase for abortion rights but when it came to folks taking an experimental shot, they failed to see the irony.
They fired people, threatened them, ended careers….for nothing.
People died alone and we let them. We sanitized everything and still got COVID. If you look back at the things we were told to do it was just frickin crazy and yet some didn’t bat an eye and for those who didn’t go along, the conformists tried to destroy them.
People who used to question authority, not trust big pharma and wanted to kill their television, now bought into all the propaganda.
The media, who gets billions of dollars in advertising dollars from big pharmaceutical companies, went along and promoted the message without question. Huh, wonder why?
People labeled questioners conspiracy theorists but as it turns out the conspiracies are true and rather than apologize, conformists continue to hang on to the lies TO THIS DAY.
People ask me to let it go but I can’t. If we don’t see what went wrong, if we don’t dig into why we were lied to, this will happen again.
We made a huge mistake and if we don’t acknowledge that we will do it again.
I encourage you to watch the documentary. You don’t have to agree but as a curious human who strives for truth, don’t you think you should at least educate yourself?
If Biden pardons Fauci and his accomplices on the way out I will not be silent. Fauci and the others who participated need to go to jail. To those journalist and folks who “thanked Dr Fauci” during the pandemic, you made a very evil man look like a hero, time to face the truth.
Next time this happens and there will be a next time, let’s not be so fearful that we lose touch with common sense. At least allow your friends, family and neighbors to disagree and question the narrative.
How many people died who didn’t need to? This virus started in a lab and was engineered by the very people some of you trust. Does that not piss you off? You blamed the non conformists for the deaths but as it turns out it was those you trusted who’ve been working on this for decades.
We can do better can’t we?