A Floral Surprise
When Kathy and I made our decision to come to Oregon we had one extra night and decided a trip to Yachats would be perfect.
Years ago we spent tons of time there together and with our kids because it’s close to Eugene.
We got to Mapleton and noticed tons of motorcycles.
I said “ kathy is next weekend Memorial Day?”
She said “yes”.

I knew this was Rhody Weekend in Florence which is on the coast before Yachats.
We had lunch in Florence and then took a walk along main where all the action is.
We ran into so many old friends and folks who follow us online or remember us from our News days.
It was awesome.

I get a lot of shit from haters online who don’t like my views.
The last few years have been pretty bad and sometimes it feels like I’m alone.
This trip back to Oregon So Many people told me they agree, respect me for speaking out and talked about how much they miss us in Oregon.
It’s easier to remember the nasty stuff, that’s human nature.
Now I know it’s confirmed im on my path.
It took us about an 90 minutes to get down the street.
Everyone wanted to say hi, wish us well and thank us.

We drove up to Yachats for the night and same thing happened.
I forgot how easily notoriety gets you into deep conversations and I miss that.
When people grow up watching you on television they think they already know you so you get a head start on relationships.

I do believe a change is coming.
The blue team pushed too hard and its greed for power woke some up and awakened others.

I’m sitting on a plane headed back to my new home in Montana.
Yes, I miss Oregon. I miss you because you are Oregon.
But often times we must leave one love to find another.
To help we have to leave.
We are producing another season of the Truth about Timber series” so we’ll be coming back to Oregon often.
Thanks again to each of you who took the time to say something.
We’ll see you next time.
Sorry you feel alone in your views at times. You are not alone. Christ always has your back my friend, He has given you a wonderfully supportive life partner and like minded folks that give supporting encouragement as time allows on this forum and others as well. Keep the faith, don't let the ignorant get you down, and do all to please God and in His name.
You are so right about the Oregon coast!
Alas, with the number of times over the last few years you have said people are waking up, by now they ought to be pushing away from the brunch table at Brail’s and headed out for the afternoon.