It’s Really Not About A Party.

No matter what either side says, for me, and a lot of other American’s, this last election is not about party it’s about common sense. I think what most American’s were saying on November 5th is enough!
We’re done with DEI, affirmative action, allowing people to enter our country by the millions without process and on and on.
We will say what we want and you will never force us to go against the science and shut us down again, NEVER.
In days since taking office Trump has put into action, many of the things plenty of us have been hoping for , for decades. And we want more. A total clearing of the bullshit and process bogging down our economy, our country and our freedom.
The party poopers keep trying to make the conversation about conservatives and liberals and you and I fall into the trap because that’s the easy way to describe the difference.
But I think it’s more about common sense, doing the right thing, saying no to virtue signaling and yes to freedom.
The left will continue to “Try” to frame the conversation in simplistic terms of kindness, compassion and openness.
Don’t fall for it.
They are none of the three.
I don’t know how the right will push its agenda. They’ve never had this much power and that, I must say, makes me nervous. Their ego’s and desire to hold power will always get the best of them. They can’t seem to get along there’s always a few strays that prevent a united front. (as we’re seeing in the confirmations)
But I think the rest of us, the American People, are onto their games, both of them.
We’ve seen that their spineless, back patting, has gotten us nowhere and we want none of it.
I believe Trump feels the same way and that’s why so many of us are excited to see him push, and push hard. Don’t believe for one second that the Republican establishment is thrilled about Trump. He’s threatening their power just as much as the D’s.
Perhaps all of us need to give big change a wide open chance. Stop listening to the media and the pundits as they try to shape the message and set a tone they are comfortable with.
Maybe this is one of those times we throw balls the wall and force out all the crap and garbage that bogs down our government.
The party is over. The years of Democrats and Republicans running the show, past. It’s time to go back to where this all started….We The People.
It’s time to clean up, clean house, and make common sense the common goal.