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Writer's pictureRick Dancer

Is The Left Leaning Right?

Could The Left Be Leaning Right?

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Far left television talk shows hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski met with Trump last Friday and apparently agreed it’s time to restart the conversation.

That’s a good sign and I give them props for doing so, but I’m guessing this was more of a business decision than a warm-fuzzy “we love Trump moment.”

I find it ironic these are some of the same people who just weeks ago were calling Trump, a fascist, rapist and Hitler and yet they asked to meet with Trump.

If they truly thought Trump was Hitler would they have asked to meet with him? Hell no, you and I wouldn’t want a true Hitler figure to step foot in our presence.

Same thing happened with President Biden. He and his “Crew” were pushing the Hitler narrative until it didn’t work anymore and he also, recently had Trump over for a chat in the White House.

So the whole Hitler BS is a lie and the liars all know it.

But let’s look at the positive in all of this.

I had someone write me and say the election was not a mandate at all but instead this guy insists it was “close”.

That’s what denial looks like.

Let’s see, Trump won every battleground state, every state but Washington moved a little to the red and Republican ended up controlling the house, the senate and the Whitehouse. Dude, that’s a mandate from the American people that the country was going the wrong direction and they want the ship turned around.

People back in Oregon, my home state, are still kicking and screaming. If we want to restart the conversation you must accept what happened. The latest message I got was a friend showing me an article where a group of folks is out to boycott businesses owned by Trump supporters. So they are coming up with names they assume support Trump and going to boycott them. Sounds a lot like a witch hunt to me. Oh, yes, my name is on the list.

The news media is having to reevaluate its position because it’s been so wrong they’re losing viewers, advertisers and money. Perhaps they went too far?  Yah think?

Those who voted against Trump need some time to mourn what is gone but at some point, like Biden and the left wing media, maybe it’s time to restart the national conversation. Oh, and restart doesn’t mean regurgitating the same old message because that was rejected.

There’s a new sheriff in town and when you lose you come to the table in humility, ready to listen, not with more propaganda or lies . We remember what happened and are ready to listen but we also know there are more people who are ready and willing to make America great again.

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If you dumb shi”s had even half of a brain in your head, you’d realize you just elected a fascist. You’re far too stupid to know anything about the history of fascism, but do yourself a favor and read about the signs and signals that lead to a fascist regime. Trump is textbook. Look at history, I dare you,m. I just hope I run into you in a bar sometime.

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