Um That’s Not My Burden!
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What are the things that torment you when you awaken early in the morning?
Are those burdens really yours?
I read a story of a woman who was always worrying.
She’d fret about everything and it showed in her demeanor, her body language and her attitude.
It even turned up in her health.
One night she had a dream that she an others were walking through the streets carrying little black bundles.
The people were hunched over, aimlessly walking the streets, looking sad and withdrawn.
There were these ugly little demon characters walking alongside them handing them bundle after bundle of dark burdens.
Sometimes the humans would let go of the bundle but the demon would quickly find a new one and easily place it on the back of the worrier.
As it turned out the burdens belong to the dark world.
Demons, the Devil and the like handing them over to us to carry to get our minds off the real mission of our lives.
In the dream Jesus walked up to the old woman and asked, sadly, why she was carrying the Devils burdens?
“These are not meant for you” He told her.
He touched her, she fell to the ground, awakened and the burdens were gone.
How often we carry worries, burdens and concerns that are not ours.
We take on the cares of a world gone mad and wonder why we find so little peace.
We often find our greatest gifts at the end of the path of uncertainty.
And yet, as humans certainty seems to be what we crave.
“God, how do we live in a world of uncertainty, and find peace in that?”
How do I see the burdens, before I pick them up, and refuse them?
You would think after 65-plus years on this planet I’d be better at it wouldn’t you?
As I travel through my day and into the next week I need your reminder, oh God, not to pick up the burdens of the world and instead keep my eyes on you.