A Great Awakening
Excitement grows for truth seekers in this country. Each day headlines expose the lies of the regime with which we’ve lived under for the past four years.
But actually the corruption, manipulation and destruction started decades ago.
What many took as the truth six months ago smells of rot and decay.
Seeds of discontent are tossed to and fro, with no fertile ground to land on so they wither and die or get eaten by predators from the sky.
Questions squelched in the past are now asked by tongues willing to risk it all in search of the truth.
Men and women, afraid to question culture six months ago, now understand the power of Truth as blinders lift, nearsightedness is healed and a boldness is born.
Accusations made against the remnant now turn on the accusers. What they said we would do, they have done.
They claim Trump is our savior but we already have a redeemer.
Trump is like us, a tool to pave the way. An instrument of hope. A defender of freedom.
The honeymoon will not last. Right now the opposition of truth is reeling, blindsided by an outcome it didn’t suspect. In fact, the whiplash interrupted their hold…they didn’t see it coming.
But they will recoup and come back as bold as ever. We must be ready, not to fight against them, but against the powers and principalities of darkness that seeks to take away our freedom.
Watch closely. Be alert. Fear not. God’s way is a narrow, straight path forward. Do not look at where your feet are going but keep your eyes lifted up for His direction.