What If We Aren’t As Divided As “They” Say?
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Do you know where I most hear how divided we are as a nation?
The Media and from the parties.
It feels like all of us are walking a tight rope right now.
Trying to find balance in a world that wants us to fail.
When I’m at the gym working out with all kinds of people we aren’t divided, we don’t talk about being divided, we talk about our lives.
When I’m in the grocery store we all have one common goal, get our groceries and find the fastest checker line.
When someone stops me on the street to have a conversation we don’t talk about division but instead revision, a vision, we talk about life.
The only place I find divisiveness is in the media, whether it be social or legacy.
To disagree, openly discuss those disagreements and freely speak our differences does not have to mean we are divided.
Even there roughly half the people on my social media disagree with me and the other half agree.
Of those who disagree, roughly half of those people are polite about it and still come back for more because we are learning from each other.
So when you boil it down the divisiveness is among a handful of people who would probably qualify for an anger management class if we discussed anything, even how a donut hole is made.
I’m not denying there are a lot of angry people out there.
This election will test all of us to the breaking point.
But how divided we decide to be is up to us.
One side is going to lose.
The other will win.
In the next month or so we’ll know how divided we are by how we respond after the voters have made their decision.
Division is part of life.
It’s part of our countries foundation.
Division is painful, difficult and takes work to get through.
But we can get through it…the real question is will we choose to.
It’s a challenge for all of us, me included.
But I’m not going to allow a party or a media or a few angry loudmouths to stand in the way of moving forward.
Division is all how we look at it.