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Lack Of Accountability Has Us Stuck

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Need To Clear The Air

I was listening to a podcast and they were talking about RFK and his desire to not sweep the COVID lies under the carpet but instead make those who lied, cheated and stole from us, stand accountable for their actions.

Until now, I hadn’t realized how much many of us need that.

The COVID reaction was a monumental mistake and caused the death of so many people, the end of so many careers and businesses and for many of us, trusting big government, pharma and some of you, will be tough.

Forgiveness is something we can do.

But that doesn’t mean accountability and consequences for the horrific actions of public health officials, hospitals, governments and others, isn’t needed.

To move on, you have to admit you were wrong.

We got trapped in the stupidity for three years and most of us want it to be over.

But it can’t be over until reparations are made and those who called the shots are called on the carpet for their lies.

As the podcast hosts were talking I felt myself first getting angry and then this feeling came over me like oh, my gosh, this is what has to happen in order for the world to move forward.

We know some of you will have to be dragged kicking and screaming. We know how hard it is to look at what you did, how you treated your neighbors, friends and folks who wanted to come into your businesses.

Fear is a cheap and easy motivator and our leaders did an amazing job of screwing us over and utilizing fear to create a weapon so powerful it nearly destroyed us.

Some will still talk about the deaths and yes there were deaths, but it’s time those at the top who need to come clean about their role in those endings.

I don’t know when this will happen or how but I do know God requires accountability and He will get it one way or another.

As I see a growing trend towards questioning again, I’m excited that people are being reminded how important freedom is….

So now, it’s your turn.

We’re waiting.

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Jul 13, 2023

Earlier this site asked us to ponder Bud Light, Disney and others for losing customers due to political/social positions. Look what is happening to the My Pillow Guy For his support of Trump. Maybe none of them should be ‘cancelled’ for their views. What do you readers think?


Jul 13, 2023

Reparations for the Covid pandemic are illusory as it was a real and true event. Millions are waiting for reparations for slavery and Native American mistreatment and treaties being broken for decades. I am wondering why so many of the doom and gloom brigade haven’t talked about’the recession’ that you ‘predicted’ was just around the corner for months, and under Biden the economy is doin well. Are you ready to admit you were wrong??

Rick Dancer
Rick Dancer
Jul 13, 2023
Replying to

Biden economy? Doing well? Wow, oh that's right you get PERS you aren't on a "regular retirement" how easy it is for people on the public dole to believe Biden's economy is good. Good lord, I've got some land I'd like to sell you.


Jul 12, 2023

Rick, I can appreciate what you are saying and feeling. However, you will never get those in power to admit they were WRONG. That would be 1) a sign of weakness 2) open them up for potential lawsuit by admitting guilt and 3) it would diminish their perceived position of power. How many times do you hear "The buck stops here" but in the next breath they are pointing the figure at the other guy and posting the blame on them. I fought back with the doctors and people of power only to be told I was wrong, and I would be to blame for others getting sick and perhaps dying.

I constantly question people in positions of power an…

Rick Dancer
Rick Dancer
Jul 13, 2023
Replying to

Oh I know. Look at the responses from a couple of their supporters on here. They can't even see that Biden and Kamala are a complete joke as a team. Did you see the pictures of Biden laying out on the beach.....He will never make it to the primary Nov. 24. He's failing every day but those who vote for him can't admit they really blew it. They even talk about how great the economy is right now. MSNBC and it's messaging really works. The same folks who tell us to do our homework because we have different answers, never practice what they preach.


Laura West Crowe
Laura West Crowe
Jul 12, 2023

I was wrong and I want accountability. Cousin in Nevada got a huge chunk of money for her biz with no payment back. Sure didn’t use it for biz. Used as a down payment on a brand new home.


Loyd Kruse
Loyd Kruse
Jul 12, 2023

Thanks for this heartfelt article. What happened will proDuce an “ “awakening“ I pray. 🙏

Rick Dancer
Rick Dancer
Jul 12, 2023
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Me too

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